How to login into the Router Settings Linksys Router?

Jean-Luc Pulinckx
Jul 03, 2018 04:40 AM 1 Answers Wearable technology
Member Since Jul 2018
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How to login into the Router Settings Linksys Router?

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Jun 14, 2019

1. Open a web browser page.
2. At the URL address bar type your Default IP address for your Linksys Router
3. You will reach Login page for your Linksys Router.
4. Enter Default username and password ( Default password: admin)
5. You will be there in router setting page.

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  • in order to log into the Linksys Router Settings please follow the instructions below:
    > make sure the computer is connected to the Linksys Router wireless or via Ethernet cable
    > pull up a browser and at the top on the address bar type in or
    > Default password is the admin. Click on login
    > You are in the settings for your Linksys Router

  • To login the router settings of Linksys Router you need to follow these steps:

    1: Open a web browser page.
    2. At the url address bar type your Default IP address for your linksys router
    3. You will reach Login page for your linksys router.
    4. Enter Default username and password ( Default password: admin)
    5. You will be there in router setting page.

    Thank You for writting us.

Written by Jean-Luc Pulinckx
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