How to connect printer on wifi?

Jun 20, 2018 03:07 AM 0 Answers Printers
Member Since Jun 2018
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I am trying to connect a new printer over wifi

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  • In order to connect your new printer Hp officejet pro 8710 on the Wifi Please follow the instructions below :
    > Press the menu button on the actual printer and then go to the settings
    > under settings go to the setup
    > Go to Wireless settings then go to wireless setup
    > You will see 2 option wireless setup advance and wireless protected setup

    Wireless setup advance
    > look for you network in the list connect to it using your password once its connected you will get a confirmation on the printer screen and press Ok and it should be working.

    Wireless Protected Setup
    Start the WPS on the Printer and then press the WPS button on your router and wait for at least 2 minutes until it completes and it will give you a confirmation on the printer click on Ok and the printer is online now.

Written by rich2
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