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  • To setup Tplink wa850re range extender follow these steps:-
    >Plugin the range extender into the wall socket near to your home router for the initial setup.
    *If you made any change on the extender before, then reset the extender by pressing the reset button for at least 30 seconds.
    >Connect any of your wireless device with Tplink extender wireless network.
    >Open any browser and in the address bar type or or http://tplinkrepeater.net
    >Now you will see the setup wizard in the page, follow the instructions to setup the range extender
    >If you want you can change the name of extended network and password of your choice that you want for it.
    >Now save the settings and range extender will reboot after saving the settings.

  • If your computer doesn’t support wireless networks then, in that case, you can do it from your cell phone or tablet as well.
    But still, you want to do the setup using your computer, you need to connect your computer hardwired directly with Tplink range extender and then follow above-said steps except wireless connection.

  • In order to configure the range extender you need to follow the instructions below:
    > plug in your extender near to the router for the initial setup within 10 feets
    > Press the WPS button on the router for 3 -4 seconds and then on the Extender for 3- 4 Seconds
    > Once you see the light stopped flashing on the extender it means the extender is setup now
    Step 2
    > Connect your computer hardwired to the extender
    > pull up browser and at the very top type in or
    > You will get through a login window default username: admin and the Password : admin
    > click on quick setup and Continue , Follow the instructions to complete the setup

Written by clarence l. renfro
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