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  • In order to change the wifi name and the password for Tplink router you need to follow the following steps:
    > you would need to connect to the router wit the TPLINK wireless or via ethernet cable.
    >logon to a http://www.tplinkwifi.com or you can logon to
    > default username is : admin and the default password is : admin
    > go to the basic settings under you will see the wireless settings and security
    > change the name and the password for the wifi here
    > apply the changes and connect your devices to wifi

  • Logon to a http://www.tplinkwifi.com or you canaccess
    Default username is admin and the default password is admin
    Go to the basic settings under you will see the wireless settings and security
    Change the name and the password for the wifi here.
    Then reconnect your devices with new wireless settings

Written by Diane Barnes
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