How to connect my HP wireless printer with my computer?

Top Ranked Security
May 16, 2018 05:54 AM 0 Answers Printers
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hp officejet 4630

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  • Follow these steps to connect your HP Officejet 4630 wireless printer to the computer-
    > First of all you need to connect your printer to the router, you can do that by WPS method.
    >Go to printer’s wireless settings and select Wireless Protected Setup and start the setup and at the
    same time press WPS button of the router, then on the router wait for lights to get stable.
    *Make sure your computer is connected to the same router network wirelessly or wired.
    >Press Windows Key and R to open the RUN box and in the box type Control Printers and hit enter.
    > It will open the Devices and Printers Window.
    >Now click on Add a Printer and if it will not search for the printer then click on The Printer I want isn’t listed.
    >Select Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or hostname.
    >It will search the printer that is connected to your router or you can also put the printer’s IP address, you can find the printer’s IP address by visiting router page and then check for connected clients.
    >Once the setup is done try to do a Test print so that you can check printer is connected to your computer successfully.
    *If you still face any issue write us back so that we can help you in a better way.

  • To setup your printer kindly follow these steps;-
    1. on your printer panel you need to press wi fi button then you will see a blinking light over there.
    2. then you need to go for wireless settings under settings you need to look for wireless setup wizard.
    3. your printer will search for available networks.
    4. select your network name and give the right password to it.
    5. click on connect it will be connected then you can print test wireless settings page .
    6. then you need to download software for your printer from official hp website.
    7. after downloading just follow the setup wizard and you are good to go now.
    (you can also connect your printer by wps method)

Written by Top Ranked Security
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