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  • You need to connect your Computer on the belkin extender set up wireless .
    Then pull up the browser and type in default IP address of your Belkin extender . i.e or http://www.belkin.range.
    Then scan for the available networks and enter the password of your Wireless.
    Assign the name and password for your extended wireless settings.
    Then finish the set up process and reconnect on your new extenders wifi and and you are ready to go know.

  • In order to configure the range extender you need to follow the instructions below:
    > plug in your extender near to the router for the initial setup within 10 feets
    > Press the WPS button on the router for 3 -4 seconds and then on the Extender for 3- 4 Seconds
    > Once you see the light stopped flashing on the extender it means the extender is setup now
    Step 2
    > Connect your computer wireless to the extended network
    > pull up browser and at the very top type in
    > You will get through a login window default username: admin and the Password : admin
    > click on quick setup and Continue , Follow the instructions to complete the setup

Written by Carl Manseau
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