wireless printer

May 05, 2018 01:59 AM 0 Answers Printers
Member Since May 2018
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I want to connect my wireless printers to the router How do I do this?

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  • Please be specific with the model or make of the printer.
    You can navigate on the printer screen and find setup/ wireless setup or connection setup.
    You can also look for WPS button the printer.
    Press and hold WPS button on the printer for 4 seconds and do the same on the router.
    You can also use USB method.
    Connect the Printer USB cable to PC.
    Download utility from the official website.

  • please follow the instruction below:
    > Go into the settings of the printer into the wireless setup
    > Select you network name thats assigned to the router
    > Enter the password and connect
    > you should be able to connect to the network.
    However if thats not working you will see an option WPS push button setup on the printer
    > You need to start WPS on printer and within 2 minutes you need to press the WPS button on the router for 3 – 4 Seconds
    once you see a confirmation message on the printer that the setup is complete press OK.
    From you computer try and make a test print and it should be good

Written by jhgrill
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