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  • Follow these steps to setup your Tplink Range Extender using WPS method-
    >Plugin Tplink range extender into the wall socket nearby to your home router for the initial setup.
    >Press the WPS button on your extender and hold it down for 3-5 seconds.
    >Within the same time press WPS button on your home router.
    >Wait for the extender lights get stable and now try to connect any of your wireless devices with extender network.
    *If you want to connect your range extender with 5GHz network then repeat the same step once again.

  • Press the wps button on your router and extender at the same time for 3 seconds.
    Now once the light on your extender is solid blue from blinking it means your extender is connected .
    You will see the name of your extender same as of your router but with ext affixed in it.
    Now open the extender page and made the necessary changes according to yourself.

  • In order to configure the range extender using the WPS button you need to follow the instructions below:
    > plug in your extender near to the router for the initial setup within 10 feets
    > Press the WPS button on the router for 3 -4 seconds and then on the Extender for 3- 4 Seconds
    > Once you see the light stopped flashing on the extender it means the extender is setup now

Written by bill asch
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