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  • You can Login to your Linksys router login page using these steps-

    – Make sure you are connected to your Linksys router via Ethernet or Wireless.
    – Visit or https://www.linksyssmartwifi.com
    – Or you can Open Command Prompt and type “IPCONFIG”.
    – Check the default gateway to find your router IP.
    – You will get Linksys login page.
    – Click local access.
    – Login with Linksys Access Router Password.
    – Default Linksys login password-admin or Check the router label or included Kit with Box.

  • In this case you need to type in the Ip address of your linksys router in the web browser i.e or linksyssmartwifi.com.
    This will work for you if not then you need to check the ip address of your router by entering IPCONFIG in the command prompt box.
    Then type in that ip directly in the address bar and it will open the page for you .
    Login to your router and made the required changes .

  • As you have mentioned that you are not able to go to login page then kindly follow these steps:-
    first you need to make sure that your device should be connected to the above mentioned router.then follow these steps:-
    1. Press windows + R key that will open run window for you.
    2. Type CMD in the run box.
    3. Open Ipconfig and check network statistics.
    4. Open your default gateway in any browser.
    5. Type your user name and password .
    6. now you are on router main page with all settings options.

    note: if still you are not able to get to the router login screen try to reset the router and re-setup the router.

  • To login your linksys router follow these steps :-
    1. Connected your Linksys router via Ethernet or Wireless.
    2. Open the browser And very top of the address bar you can type or https://www.linksyssmartwifi.com
    3. You can also Press windows + R key that will open run window for you .
    4. In run window you can type CMD . Promt open on your screen.
    5. Now open ipconfig . You see your default gateway.
    6. Open your default gateway in any browser.
    7. You can type your user name and password .
    8. Now you can see the main page of the router and settings .
    9. if still you are not able to get to the router login screen try to reset the router and re-setup the router.

Written by Louis McFadden
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