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  • If the guest band is the only band visible, Please follow the instructions below:
    Login in to you r linksys dashboard
    on the left panel you will see a wifi icon click on it
    Check if the SSID Broadcasting for your 2.4Ghz and 5ghz is disabled
    If its disabled you would need to enable it and save the settings
    reboot the router and you should be able to see the other primary networks
    If still you are not able to get it
    Reset the router and reconfigure it again
    on the router you may have a physical Wi-FI button press and hold it down for 3 Seconds.

  • – Connect your device to your Linksys router wirelessly or wired.
    – Visit ” ” Linksys login page.
    – Access your router.
    – Ont he dashboard select wireless.
    – Now make sure SSID broadcasting is enabled.

Written by Nick Ramos
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