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  • Thanks for sharing your concern with us however signal strength of device totally depends on the place where exactly it is plugged in.The ideal location to place the Extender is half-way between your wireless router and your computer, but the extender MUST be within the wireless range of the wireless router.Always check the color of Link Rate symbol on the extender to gauge the connection of the wireless router and the extender. Green is best, Amber is good, while Red is poor.

  • Well it totally depends whats the model of the Tplink Extender you have. However a basic model of a tplink extender can give you about 40 – 50 feets of range. it also depends on the connectivity of the router.

  • Thanks for sharing your concern , the extender you are using is able to provide you the signal strength maximum upto 40-45 feets and it also depends on the router you do have at your place.
    The lights on extender will help you in determining the quality and strength of the signals your extender is receiving i.e Green is best, Amber is good, while Red is poor. according to the same you will receive the connectivity for all of your devices also.

Written by shirley klassen
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