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  • In this case you are going to extend the signals of another extender so you need to made all the settings same as you are supposed to do in case of extending the signals from router to extender.
    You need to connect your pc hard wired from 1st extender and connect the wireless with the signals of your 2nd extender which we are going to configure.
    Then open the web based page of your extender by http://www.tplinkrepeater.net and click on quick set up and select your existing wireless from which you are trying to extend the signals.
    Enter the network key and click on next and give the name for your extended network from 2nd extender and click on reboot.
    Your extender is configured and try to connect it with your devices and you are ready to go know

  • In order to connect your extender on extender, please follow the instructions below:
    > All you need to do is connect your computer to the new extender Wireless to the default SSID
    > Pull up a browser and at the top on the address bar type in and hit enter
    > Click on Start setup well when it scans for the existing network look for your first extender name in the list.
    > Enter the the Wi-Fi password for your first extender.
    > just make sure that the name of teh second extender Wifi should be different then the first one and the primary Wifi
    > Save the settings reboot the extender
    the setup is complete now.

Written by Lorna
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