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  • Login issues can occur due to-
    -No firmware upgrade is done.
    -Connected router to a power surge or extension.
    -Device Not connected to router .(wifi or hardware)
    -Trying some wrong website to reach your router.

    For TP-Link ARCHER- C7 you need to connect your device to router hardware or wifi.

    Once you are connected, Open your browser and simply type http://tplinkwifi.net or try
    You will get the login screen.Type user login details.(Default-admin for both username and password)

    Make sure your router is connected to direct wall socket.No SURGE PROTECTOR or any EXTENSIONS !!

  • As you have mentioned that you are not able to go to login page then kindly follow these steps:-
    first you need to make sure that your device should be connected to the Router then follow these steps:-
    1. Press windows + R key that will open run window for you.
    2. Type CMD in the run box.
    3. Open Ipconfig and check network statistics.
    4. Open your default gateway in any browser.
    5. Type your user name and password .
    6. now you are on router main page with all settings options.

    If still you are not able to login to the router page
    > First try to reset the router again, Press and hold the reset button down for 30 seconds
    > Wait for at least 2 minutes the let the router boot up and then try to configure the router again manually
    > Then try to login to the router using the default IP address
    > the default Username is admin and password is admin.

Written by ceecee1117 .
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