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  • To setup your Tp link extender kindly follow these steps:-
    1.Plug your Range Extender into a power outlet near your main Router.
    2.Push the WPS button on your main Router first, then immediately push the WPS button on your Range Extender.
    3. After you have pushed WPS button of your Router, you need to push WPS button of your Range Extender within 2 minutes. .
    4.After pushing the WPS button of your Router, your Router WPS LED should blink. If your Router WPS LED doesn’t blink, it means you need to push the WPS button again until the WPS LED of your Router blinks. The same reason is also suitable for RE product. After pushing the WPS button of your Range Extender, the WPS light of your Range Extender should blink. If not, push again.
    5.The WPS process will last 2 minutes. You can wait 2 minutes, and then check the wireless signal LED of your Range Extender.
    5. After 2 minutes, if the wireless signal LED of your Range Extender is still off, it means the WPS process fails. You may need to try one more or several more times of WPS operation, and repeat the steps above.
    6. At last, you can put your Range Extender in a proper place where you want to extend the wireless network’s coverage, and enjoy the extended wireless network. No need to repeat the process. Once it’s done, it will connect automatically every time you plug it back in.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

Written by Roger Early
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