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  • Please follow these instructions to recover your password.
    Step 1: In the address field of your browser, type http://www.routerlogin.net or or
    A login window open.
    Step 2: Click the Cancel button.
    Step 3: If password recovery is enabled, you are prompted to enter the serial number of the router.
    The serial number is on the product label.
    Step 4: Enter the serial number of the router.
    Click the Continue button.
    Step 5: A screen displays requesting the answers to your security questions.
    Enter the saved answers to your security questions.
    Step 6: Click the Continue button.
    A screen displays your recovered password.
    Step 7: Click the Login again button.
    A login window opens.
    Step 8: With your recovered password, log in to the router.

  • Thanks for sharing your query with us however if you are not able to retrieve password in this case simply reset your router with the help of a paper clip to factory default settings and re setup your router again with fresh settings.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

Written by Scott Ashwill
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