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  • In order to change the username and password you need to go in the system tools tab .
    Then go to the administration and change the username and password and save it.
    Then login to your router page again with new username and password

  • To change the user name and password of your Tp link router kindly follow these steps:-
    1. Press windows + R key that will open run window for you.
    2. Type CMD in the run box.
    3. Open Ipconfig and check network statistics.
    4. Open your default gateway in any browser.
    5. Type your user name and password .
    6. you are on router main page now then go to system tools tab.
    7. under system tools click on administration tab.
    8. from here you can change the credentials.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

  • – You need to be connected to your router wireless.
    – Open your browser and type in the address bar
    – Login using admin for both username & password.
    – Choose wireless and change settings individually for 2.4GHz or 5GHz

  • In order to change the Username and the Password for your Tplink Router follow the instruction below:
    > make sure the computer is connected to the router wireless or via ethernet cable
    > pull up a browser logon to
    > you will come through a login screen, Default username: admin and the default password: admin
    > go into advanced option, click on system tools, click on administrator
    > Here you can change the name and password and make sure you save it

Written by Paul Gore
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