How do i service my computer to make it faster

Tony Murphy
Jan 21, 2018 06:29 PM 0 Answers Computers & Tablets
Member Since Jan 2018
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How do i service my computer to make it faster

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  • There are many things that you can do to make it faster :
    > Clean the Temporary Files and software of the computer
    > keep less things into the c:// drive of the computer
    > keep less things on the desktop screen of the computer
    > if you have more then 2 security programme working on the computer make sure you just keep one remove rest of it
    > reboot the computer
    > Run your computer on the best performance by degrading the graphics

  • To service your computer kindly follow these steps:-
    1. remove temp and prefetch files.
    2. remove unwanted softwares from your computer.
    3.reset all browsers .
    4. manage virtual memory.
    5.defrag your disk drive.
    6. manage auto startup.
    7.perform clean boot of your system.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

Written by Tony Murphy
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