I Need To Update The Firmware Of My Router R20000G It’s Very Old And Doesn’t Give Me Online Updated? My Router Got Slow What Should I Do ??

Gary Corigliano
Dec 22, 2017 10:51 PM 0 Answers Smart home
Member Since Dec 2017
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R20000G AMPED Router

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  • You need to install the update of your router manually.
    For that you need to download and install the latest firmware update available for your router.
    Once new update is installed on your router reboot your router .
    Still if you need any assistance you can call us at 1800-603-4024

  • If you are not able to update your router firmware automatically kindly visit the main manufacturer website and download latest firmware as per your model. then update the firmware manually.
    For any assistance call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

Written by Gary Corigliano
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