Network Function Virtualization

Dec 09, 2017 08:08 AM 0 Answers Smart home
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what is a Network Function Virtualization?

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  • when you hear the word firewall, you think of a dedicated appliance/hardware that performs the firewall function and this appliance is installed at the edge of the network.

    While it is true that it may be better to run custom-made hardware for certain functions (e.g. high packet switching that require purpose-built Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)), many organizations are experimenting with the fact that some network functions can be handled very well on standard servers that are less expensive and more readily available.

    This is what Network Function Virtualization aims to do: separate the software (network function) from the hardware so that the network functions like Firewall, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), Content Delivery Network , Virtual Private Network , can be run on industry standard servers, storage and switches using normal virtualization technologies.
    There are certain benefits of NFV as well:-
    1.Lower Capital Expenses
    2.Lower Operating Expenses
    3.Roll out new services faster
    4.Scalability: One of the advantages of virtualization is the ability to increase or decrease capacity as needed and NFV also provides this.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

  • Network functions virtualization (NFV) (also known as virtual network function (VNF)) offers a new way to design, deploy and manage networking services.
    NFV decouples the network functions, such as network address translation (NAT), firewalling, intrusion detection, domain name service (DNS), and caching, to name a few, from proprietary hardware appliances so they can run in software.
    It’s designed to consolidate and deliver the networking components needed to support a fully virtualized infrastructure – including virtual servers, storage, and even other networks. It utilizes standard IT virtualization technologies that run on high-volume service, switch and storage hardware to virtualize network functions. It is applicable to any data plane processing or control plane function in both wired and wireless network infrastructures.

    For more assistance call us at 1-800-603-4024

Written by DAVE ADAMS
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