how do i set up my universal remote with lg tv?

mike t
Nov 29, 2017 09:56 PM 0 Answers Smart home
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  • You can control devices connecting to your TV such as your Set-Top Box, Blu-ray Player or Home Theatre with a universal remote.
    1. Check that a device you want to set is connected to your TV.
    2. Press the home button on the remote control and select input at the top right.
    3. Select the input mode that the device is connected to in All Inputs.
    4. Press the screen remote button of the remote control to run the screen remote control.
    5. Select the device you want to set in the Device Selection list.
    6. If you press Set Up. you can set up the Universal Control. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the setup.
    for any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

  • 1. Check that a device you want to set is connected to your TV.
    2. Press the home button on the remote control and select input at the top right.
    3. Select the input mode that the device is connected to in All Inputs.
    4. Press the screen remote button of the remote control to run the screen remote control.
    5. Select the device you want to set in the Device Selection list.
    6. If you press Set Up. you can set up the Universal Control

Written by mike t
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