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  • If you are getting unable to find printer error message this means that your printer is not configured with your router properly so reconfigure your printer with router and re setup your device.
    To re setup your printer kindly follow these steps:-
    1.Tap on the Home button.
    2.Press the Wireless/Network icon from the printer’s control panel screen.
    3.Choose Wi-Fi Setup from the list of options available.
    4.Click on Wi-fi Setup Wizard on the new screen
    5.In the new dialogue box, choose your wireless network’s name or enter it manually. (If you want to enter the network name manually, select Other Networks and then choose Network (SSID) field. Now, use the keypad to enter the wireless network’s name.)
    6.In the Password field, type the password using the keypad displayed on screen.
    7.Once you finish entering the password, click on the enter button and then tap on Proceed.
    8.Double check the displayed network settings and click on the OK option to save the settings.
    9. In case you want to change the settings, press the back button and enter the correct details.)
    10.Click Done and then go back to the Home screen by tapping the Home button.
    11.When the connection is successful, a Wireless icon appears on the upper right hand corner of the home screen.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

  • The installer software cannot set up the printer if it is not available on the network, or if there is a problem with your local network.
    Power cycle your modem, router, and printer.
    Configure printer settings again on wireless.

    For more assistance call us at 1-800-603-4024.

  • 1. Try restarting your printer and check the network status
    2. If that doesn’t work then we might have to configure the printer over wireless network again
    3. Go to Printer panel -> Network settings -> Choose the SSID -> Enter the password
    4. Save the settings
    5. Print Network test page and you will get all the network settings
    6. Run the software setup and it will automatically detect the printer with it’s respective IP address
    7. After the drivers installation print the test page and you are good to go

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