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  • 1. Unplug any peripherals connected to the computer
    2. End process of failed program in Task Manager
    3. Run System Maintenance troubleshooter
    4. Restart the update service using command prompt
    5. Rollback to previous version of Windows

  • If your computer is stuck on restart screen kindly follow these steps:-
    1.Disconnect all peripherals and cold restart.
    2.Turn off computer, disconnect power cord and restart after a few minutes.
    3.Restart computer and press F8 several times to enter Safe Boot Menu. If F8 key has no effect, force-restart your computer 5 times.
    4.Select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > System Restore.
    5.Select a good known restore point and click Restore.
    Solution using a recovery disk:
    1.Plug an empty USB flash drive to a computer.
    2.Prepare a recovery disk using Microsoft Media Creation Tool .
    3.Plug the USB drive into the frozen computer.
    4.You may have to tell the BIOS to boot from USB disk.
    5.Restart computer. Windows Setup will show up from USB drive.
    6.Select your language, keyboard layout and click Next.
    7.Click Repair Windows
    8.Select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > System Restore.
    9.Select a good known restore point and click Restore.
    for any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

Written by Steve Pence
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