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  • 1.Open you web browser. Enter the router IP address in the address bar
    2.Login into the dashboard
    3.Once logged into your router click on “Firewall”, Once the page has loaded click on “Virtual Servers”
    4.First you want to be sure to check “Enable”. In the Description column enter a description of your network device (e.g. Camera) In “Inbound port” enter the starting ports to be forwarded. Example: 2100-2500
    5.Next choose the “Type” you want to use. (For cameras we will use TCP). Enter the Camera’sI P address in “Private IP Address”. In “Private port” enter the ending ports to be forwarded. Example: 2100-2500
    6.Click on “Apply Changes”
    7.To view the camera over the internet enter you router external ip address which can be found by typing http://www.whatismyipaddres.com into your browser.

  • To setup port forwarding on your Belkin ac1600 kindly follow these steps;-
    1.Open your web browser and enter router’s IP address ( by default) in the address bar. 2.Enter username your router password (the default password is blank).
    3. Navigate to Firewall > Virtual Servers,Check Enable.
    4.In the Description column enter a description of your network device.
    5.In Inbound port enter camera’s port number.
    6.Next choose the Type you want to use. Enter the Camera’s IP address in private IP Address.
    7.In Private port enter camera’s port number.
    8.Click on Apply Changes.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

Written by Dana Hutto
Router Categories