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  • Reset your extender by pressing reset button for ten seconds which is located at the back of extender.
    Press and hold it down until you see power light start blinking.
    Now Configure your extender settings.

    If problem still persist call us at 1-800-603-4024 and get it fixed from expertise

  • 1. Login into your extender dashboard
    2. Go to wireless settings and choose a strong password with strong encryption key
    3. You can also reset your extender and configure it again with strong password of your choice.
    4. Make sure you make a note of the password to connect your other devices in the house

  • As you have mentioned that your extender is showing non secured network in this case just reset your extender with the help of paper clip and re configure it again with a strong password.
    To reconfigure it kindly follow these steps:-
    1. connect your extender in a direct wall socket near by your router for setup.
    2. press wps button on your extender for 3-5 seconds.
    3. press wps button on your router (you can do it by accessing router main page also).
    4. it will be connected to your routers network.
    5. you will see your network name with ext affixed in it.
    6. connect to the same network .
    7. it will open a setup wizard for you.
    8. follow the on screen instructions and you are good to go now.
    for any question & query feel free to call us on 1-800-603-4024

Written by Loretta Berry
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