Wicommfi 11 ac dual band extender

Dan huskey
Sep 29, 2017 09:15 PM 0 Answers Wicommfi
Member Since Sep 2017
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what are the extra features of wicommfi extender ?

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  • 1.Frequency band – 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz
    2.Wireless Speed – 2.4 Ghz – 300Mbps / 5.8 Ghz – 750 Mbps
    3. Ease of Use – Easy Bar code scan setup, WPS setup, Router Mode

  • Some of the salient features of wicommfi 11 ac dual band extender are as follows:-
    1.WicommfI Delivers dual band Wi-Fi at a speed of up to 750 Mbps.
    2.With having External antennas, it is capable of providing the signal across the walls.
    3.It supports both channels 2.4 ghz and 5.8 ghz.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

  • The difference between 2.4GHz and 5.8 Ghz network is :
    2.4 Ghz gives you less internet speed but more signal strength in the house and connectivity is slow with your devices.
    5.8 Ghz gives you high internet speed but less signal strength in the house and quick connectivity with your devices
    high Signal strength from both bands
    Easy Setup WPS / Wireless and Wired plus you can setup using teh QR code
    three mode : Router / Repeater or extender and Access point

Written by Dan huskey
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