how to share a usb printer on network

Sep 12, 2017 08:53 PM 0 Answers Printers
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  • 1.Click on the Windows start button and navigate to settings, control panel, printers. Right click on the printer to be shared.
    2.Select “change sharing options” if network and print sharing has not already been enabled. Follow the prompts to allow sharing.
    3.Check the button next to “share this printer.” Enter a share name for the printer. This is the name that other users on the network will see when searching for printers. Limit the name to 8 letters with no characters or spaces.
    4.Select “additional drivers” if there are other computers on the network with older Windows operating systems. Follow the prompts to install drivers for these computers. This will save time since the drivers won’t have to be downloaded and installed separately on the other computers.
    Follow the same steps to get to the printers setting on the other computer. Right click “add printer” and select “network printer.” Allow Windows to search the network for printers. If the printer isn’t found automatically, select “the printer I want is not listed.” Select “browse for printers” and find the computer that is attached to the USB printer. Click the plus sign to expand it, and then select the printer.

  • Right click on windows start icon and click on run.
    A small run box will appear on your display and type there control printers and click on ok .
    Select “change sharing options” if network and print sharing has not already been enabled. Follow the prompts to allow sharing.
    Check the button next to “share this printer.” Enter a share name for the printer. This is the name that other users on the network will see when searching for printers. Limit the name to 8 letters with no characters or spaces.
    Select “additional drivers” if there are other computers on the network with older Windows operating systems. Follow the prompts to install drivers for these computers. This will save time since the drivers won’t have to be downloaded and installed separately on the other computers.
    Follow the same steps to get to the printers setting on the other computer. Right click “add printer” and select “network printer.” Allow Windows to search the network for printers. If the printer isn’t found automatically, select “the printer I want is not listed.” Select “browse for printers” and find the computer that is attached to the USB printer. Click the plus sign to expand it, and then select the printer.

    For more assistance call us at 1-800-603-4024

  • -On the main computer setup your printer first.
    -Now go to devices and printers.
    -Right click on the printer and open its properties .
    -Hit sharing tab and check share this printer .
    -Now on shared computers go to devices and printer.
    -Add printer and select network discoverable printer form more options .

Written by LARRY 2
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