windows vista laptop

Aug 22, 2017 08:55 PM 0 Answers Computers & Tablets
Member Since Aug 2017
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we are trying to connect it with wireless but it is not showing us any wireless networks ....?

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  • As you have mentioned that you are not able to see any wireless network name while working with windows vista laptop kindly check few things:-
    1. Make sure Wi-Fi is turned on your device.
    2.Check your router and modern, Make sure the lights are as mentioned in the user guide of your service provider.
    3.Make sure flight mode is turned off.
    4. try right clicking on my computer and hitting mange, hit device manager and scroll to network adapters and expand it and select your wifi card. from there hit uninstall but do not remove the driver. after that look up top for a computer with a magnifying glass and it will scan for changes which will then reinstall your driver for your wireless.
    your wifi issue will be resolved by these steps.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

  • 1.Make sure the Wireless is turned on.
    2. Check for the drivers in device manager.
    3.Wireless network discovery should be turned on.
    4.Try uninstalling and reinstalling the correct drivers.
    5. Restart your computer.

Written by norby
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