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  • AS you have mentioned that you want to increase range of your linksys ea 6500 router ,range of a router totally depends on the setup of router and the made of place in which you are . how ever you can follow these steps to change some settings and increase the range of your router.
    1. kindly check for the firmware update of your router if any update is pending then update it.
    2. check the channel and frequency of your router by accessing the router main page .
    3. check the speed directly from your modem by just by passing the router. if modem is giving
    good speed then there is problem with router.
    4. reset the router in this case and re setup the device again.
    5. you can change the position of your router as well and check whether is there any difference in range.
    6.If problem still persists you can enhance range by wifi range extenders available in market and
    To setup your Linksys EA 6500 router you need to follow these steps:-
    You need to plug in a cable from your existing modem to internet port of your router.
    after connecting this cable connect a cable from port no-4 of your router to your computer. then follow these steps:
    1. Press windows + R key that will open run window for you.
    2. Type CMD in the run box.
    3. Open Ipconfig and check network statistics.
    4. Open your default gateway in any browser.
    5. Type your user name and password .
    6. that will open a setup wizard for you so follow the steps and you are good to go.
    7. while following the setup wizard kindly make sure the settings you are choosing is correct
    i.e time zone and wireless network name and key.
    8. kindly upgrade the router firmware as well if there is any update pending over there.

  • – Router position
    Place your router at a central location compared to your access point.
    It is good to keep your wireless router at high position as possible. This helps reducing interference’s and give a clear path for signals to reach your devices.
    – Changing your router firmware to DD-WRT or Tomato firmware can also help improve range .
    – Choose an ideal channel
    Router allow you to select a channel or frequency .There are many factors that decide the performance of a particular channel depending on your surroundings.
    -There are many other electronic gadgets like cordless phones, mobile, microwave ovens, and other wireless electronics that use the same 2.4Ghz frequencies as your router. These can interfere with the wireless router channel reducing their signal strength and quality.
    You cannot eliminate them altogether, but you definitely can reduce signal loss due to interference by placing and using them away from you router. So instead of keeping your cordless phone over your router, may be keep it in the other end of the room.
    These simple methods are enough to increase the wireless router range for most home uses.

  • 1. Install the DD-WRT firmware on your wireless router
    2. Most routers have omni-directional antennas so they emit wireless signals in all directions (just like a light bulb). That’s fine if you have placed the router in a central location but if the router is in some corner of your room or against a wall, consider adding a home-made reflector behind the antennas of your router.
    3.Ideally, you should place the router at a height in some central location and away from other cordless devices. Make sure that the router is not placed near something metallic (like an almirah or window grills) as that will weaken the wireless signals. Avoid mirrors as they can reflect the wireless signals away from the desired direction.
    4.You can attach a WiFi Repeater (also known as Wireless Range Expander) to your router and quickly expand the coverage of your wireless network without using any cables.

Written by steven
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