How to configure tp-link hs100?

jean smasal
May 27, 2017 06:26 PM 0 Answers Wearable technology
Member Since May 2017
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  • To configure your tp-link hs100 you need to follow these steps:-
    1. Before we start please Create a Cloud Account for your TP-Link devices in the Kasa app to enable
    remote control of your devices.
    2. Sign in to Kasa using your Kasa account. Make sure your account is verified and all your smart
    devices are saved to your account.
    3. You need to enable Remote Control in Kasa for Alexa to discover your devices.
    4. Set good device names
    5. In the Alexa app, tap the menu button and then tap Smart Home.
    6. Tap on “Get More Smart Home Skills” to add the Kasa skill Go to Smart Home Skill
    7. Search for “Kasa” and, when found, tap the Kasa skill to enable it.
    8. Sign in to your Kasa account
    9. Tap “Discover Devices.” Alexa will search for your TP-Link Smart Devices. might take few seconds for complete setup,but Once complete, you should see all your
    remote control-enabled devices in your Smart Home page.
    for any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

Written by jean smasal
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