I want to access my videos from laptop on my Smart TV, How can I do it?

May 25, 2017 08:26 PM 0 Answers Smart home
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I am trying to use access my videos from laptop straight on my smart TV, Please Help!

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  • Easiest way to share your laptop screen with smart tv is here.

    Mostly new computers comes with inbuilt wireless screen connection.You need to follow these steps-

    1.Enable your smart TV wireless display mode first.
    2.On your computer right click and hit display settings.
    3.Now you will see an option connect to a wireless display.Hit that.
    4.Now on the right side notification tray screen will appear and your smart TV wireless name will appear.Simply select that and connect to it.
    5.On your smart TV it will ask for access to pair.Allow it and you will see your computer screen is shared with your smart TV.

  • Easiest way to access your laptop on the TV screen is :
    1.Select the source from your TV and select the screen mirroring option.
    2. Now you will see the message that screen mirroring is ready.
    3. On your laptop go to settings and then select devices.
    4. Under devices You need to go on Connected devices.
    5. Click on add a device and connect it from your TV .
    6. Now you are successfully connected with your TV and you can watch videos on your TV from laptop.

  • There are several ways to access videos from your laptop to smart tv. It can be done in two ways
    either with wired connection or wirelessly.
    Wired connections :-(HDMI,VGA CABLE)
    1. Connect a laptop to TV by plugging an HDMI cable from the back of the TV to the output on your
    2. You can alternatively use a VGA cable if your laptop or TV is too old to have an HDMI connection.
    For resolution settings you need to go to Control Panel > Display > Adjust Resolution from there you can adjust settings .
    Wireless connectivity:-
    1.There are various options here depending on your laptop’s capabilities since a few laptops have
    a built-in wireless system called WiDi (Intel Wireless Display) which works with a compatible
    receiver such as Netgear’s Push2TV.
    2.There are also wireless systems which plug into the HDMI port on your TV and laptop (possibly
    the USB port on your laptop), sending the video wirelessly.
    3. There are some other options as well like Western Digital’s WDTV, Google’s Chromecast, Roku’s
    Streaming Stick. you can choose as per your laptop configuration.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

Written by fchahal9
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