How to connect EX7000 netgear extender with the smart/rg router?

John Forsyth
Jan 20, 2020 04:14 AM 3 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2019
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How to connect EX7000 netgear extender with the smart/rg router?

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3 Answers
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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Feb 04, 2020

First you need to plug in your extender to the wall socket under 10 feet

Then connect your device( computer, phone, ipad, etc) with the extender network

Then open any browser and type at the very top of the screen the ip address that is

It will take you to the login page of the extender

Then over there follow the next instruction to setup your extender

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Best Answer
Jan 24, 2020

plug in the extender into the wall socket at least 5-10 feet away from you just for the setup and now connect any phone or laptop or computer to the extender WiFi and then in the browser of the connect device type the IP address( and it will bring up the setup page and over there follow the instructions and save the settings

now you can plug in the extender between the router and the dead spots of your home.

If it doesnt help do revert back so that wecan help u in a better way.

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Best Answer
Jan 20, 2020

plug in the extender into the wall socket at least 5-10 feet away from you just for the setup and now connect any phone or laptop or computer to the extender WiFi and then in the browser of the connect device type the IP address and it will bring up the setup page and over there follow the instructions and save the settings

now you can plug in the extender between the router and the dead spots of your home.

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Written by John Forsyth
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