whenever i try to login into my linksys ea6350 router, it says “press and hold the red reset button on the back of the router”, what does that mean?

Penny harris
Dec 24, 2019 07:56 PM 4 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2019
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whenever i try to login into my linksys ea6350 router, it says "press and hold the red reset button on the back of the router", what does that mean?

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4 Answers
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Mark Stevens
Jan 08, 2020

It means that, your router was not configured properly or something went wrong with the router’s web interface settings so we will not be able to login to the router settings, however, Internet will work fine. So, in this case, we need to reset the router and reconfigure it again.

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Best Answer
Jan 05, 2020

It means that your router was not configured properly or something is wrong with the router’s web interface settings so that will not allow you to login to the router settings, but the Internet will work fine.

So,  we need to reset the router and reconfigure it again.

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Best Answer
Dec 26, 2019

It means that, your router was not configured properly ,There was problem while doing configurations .So, in this case, we need to reset the router and reconfigure it again.

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Dec 24, 2019

It means that, your router was not configured properly or something went wrong with the router's web interface settings so we will not be able to login to the router settings, however, Internet will work fine.

So, in this case, we need to reset the router and reconfigure it again.

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Written by Penny harris
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