what are the steps to enable the WPS feature on the spectrum router from the web interface?

Dec 24, 2019 07:55 PM 3 Answers General
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what are the steps to enable the WPS feature on the spectrum router from the web interface?

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Best Answer
Jan 06, 2020

login to your router and  then click on the advance, under that click on 2.4ghz band and the enable WPS feature on that and do the same for the 5ghz band and save the settings and then the feature is enabled for your router.

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Best Answer
Dec 26, 2019

Follow these steps:

  • Login into the Spectrum router settings( for that you need to type on your web browser on your computer and then enter the login information)
  • once you are logged in, then click on the Advanced option
  • After that, click on the 2.4G wifi option, click on the WPS tab and then turn it On.
  • you need to do the same thing to your 5G band of the router.
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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Dec 25, 2019
  • Login into the Spectrum router settings( for that you need to type on your web browser on your computer and then enter the login information)
  • once you are logged in, then click on the Advanced option
  • After that, click on the 2.4G wifi option, click on the WPS tab and then turn it On.
  • you need to do the same thing to your 5G band of the router.
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Written by TIM SHIREY
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