How to connect netgear orbi rbr series with the fios router?

ron green
Dec 24, 2019 07:53 PM 2 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2019
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How to connect netgear orbi rbr series with the fios router?

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2 Answers
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Best Answer
Jan 05, 2020

Follow these steps in order to do the setup:

  • Turn On your Orbi Router
  • Connect and Ethernet cable between your Orbi router and the Fios router and make sure that cable should be connected to the Internet slot of the Orbi router
  • Now Connect your computer with the Orbi router’s network
  • open your web browser and type this address:-
  • it will take you to the setup page of the Orbi router
  • after that from there, follow the instructions and complete the setup process.
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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Dec 25, 2019
  • Turn On your Orbi Router
  • Connect and Ethernet cable between your Orbi router and the Fios router and make sure that cable should be connected to the Internet slot of the Orbi router
  • Now Connect your computer with the Orbi router’s network
  • open your web browser and type this address:-
  • it will take you to the setup page of the Orbi router
  • after that from there, follow the instructions and complete the setup process.
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Written by ron green
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