How to configure the Tplink re200 extender with the fios router and whats the login password for the Fios router?

Harry Zunino
Dec 18, 2019 10:25 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Oct 2019
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How to configure the Tplink re200 extender with the fios router and whats the login password for the Fios router?

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Eric Williams
Dec 18, 2019
  • Turn ON your Tplink extender
  • connect your computer with the extender’s network
  • open your browser and type this address:-
  • It will take you to the setup page
  • now create a log in password for your extender
  • on the next page, it will search for the available wifi networks, then you need to select your Fios router’s network.
  • enter the wifi password and then hit next.
  • After that create the wifi information for your extender and then save the settings.

The login password for the Fios router will be at the backside of the router itself.

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Written by Harry Zunino
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