How do i assign the own customized wifi name and password on the Arris tg1682g Modem/router?

Sep 15, 2019 07:20 AM 7 Answers Smart home
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How do i assign the own customized wifi name and password on the Arris tg1682g Modem/router?

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7 Answers
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Best Answer
Nov 19, 2019
  1. Connect your computer with the Arris router’s network
  2. open your web browser and type this address:-
  3. It will take you to the login page
  4. Enter your login information(default username is admin and password is password)
  5. Once you are logged in, then on the top of the screen wireless 2.4Ghz to change the wifi name and password and then save the settings
  6. And if you want the change the information for the 5G band then you can click on wireless 5Ghz.


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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Nov 09, 2019

In order to do that follow these steps:

  • First you need to connect your computer with the Arris network
  • Then open your web browser and type this address:-
  • It will take you to the login page
  • Enter your login information(default username is admin and password is password)
  • Once you are logged in, then on the top of the screen wireless 2.4Ghz to change the wifi name and password and then save the settings
  • And if you want the change the information for the 5G band then you can click on wireless 5Ghz
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Best Answer
Oct 18, 2019

connect any laptop or computer with the arris network and then open the browser

now in the long address bar of your browser type the IP address in the long address bar

it will open the login page, fill in the long information then click on login.

Once you are logged in you will see the wireless option, click on that from there you can change the wifi name and the password.

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Oct 03, 2019
  1. Connect your computer with the Arris router’s network
  2. open your web browser and type this address:-
  3. It will take you to the login page
  4. Enter your login information(default username is admin and password is password)
  5. Once you are logged in, then on the top of the screen wireless 2.4Ghz to change the wifi name and password and then save the settings
  6. And if you want the change the information for the 5G band then you can click on wireless 5Ghz.
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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Oct 02, 2019

To assign the own customized wifi name and password on the Arris tg1682g Modem/router , first we plug in the router the power , now connect any computer or any wireless device with router’s network. If any changes have been made before please press reset button. Open on the browser. Enter the credentials there . Once you are successfully logged in , then goto wireless settings to change the wifi name and the password.

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Best Answer
Oct 01, 2019

In order to change the wifi name and password for your arris TG1682G router please follow the instructions below:

Turn on your router and make sure it is connected to the computer via wifi or ethernet, then pull up a browser and at the top of the address bar type in and hit enter. you will get to the login screen the default username is “admin” and the default password is “password” and hit login, once you are successfully logged in to your Arris router dashboard click on the wireless tab and here you can customize the name and password to your choice once done click n save. then wait until the router applies the settings.

Once applied your name and password is changed.

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Best Answer
Sep 29, 2019

to assign your own password and wifi name you need to login into the arris device.

Open the browser on any laptop or computer and in the long address bar type the IP address (,it will take you to the login dashboard and over there fill in the login credentials

Once you are logged in you can make any changes you want.


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