How to disable the 5G band on the TPlink RE305 Extender?

Robert E. Crawford
Aug 28, 2019 08:39 PM 2 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2019
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How to disable the 5G band on the TPlink RE305 Extender?

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2 Answers
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Mark Stevens
Aug 30, 2019

To disable the 5G band on the TPlink RE305 Extender,first you will have to plug in the extender to the power.Now connect any wireless device with extender's network.Once it's connected ,then open on the browser.You will see the login wizard.Enter the credentials.Once you are loggen in goto settings to disable the 5g band.Then save the settings.

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Best Answer
Aug 29, 2019

If you want to disable the 5g band on the tplink extender for that you need to login in the dashboard of the extender you can use the ip address of the extender to reach on the dashboard

once you logged in the device you can see 5g network on the page you need to click on that then you will get the option to disable the 5g band of your extender

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Written by Robert E. Crawford
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