Why my computer is not showing up the 5G band of my router and my tplink extender?

Larry LaFleur
Aug 28, 2019 08:40 PM 3 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2019
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Why my computer is not showing up the 5G band of my router and my tplink extender?

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3 Answers
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Mark Stevens
Aug 30, 2019

If your computer is not showing up the 5G band of my router and my tplink extender,this means that the computer is not compatible for 5G band.In that case you can buy an external adaptable to us 5G band , the one is compatible.

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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Aug 29, 2019

it means your computer is not compatible with the 5G band.

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Best Answer
joey miller
Aug 28, 2019

The reason you are not getting any 5G band signal on your computer is that maybe it is not compatible with the 5G band. For using the 5G band you can buy an external WiFi adapter which is compatible.

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Written by Larry LaFleur
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