How to Upgrade the Firmware of the Synology Router?

Wade Mathews
Aug 30, 2019 11:07 PM 8 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2019
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How to Upgrade the Firmware of the Synology Router?

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8 Answers
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Best Answer
Oct 03, 2019

to upgrade the firmware of the router, you need to login into the router dashboard over there if the firmware update is available you can do it from there

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Best Answer
Sep 15, 2019

In order to update the firmware of the Synology router please follow the instructions below:

Make sure the router is on and connected to the computer via wifi or ethernet

Pull up a browser and at the top of the address bar type in and hit enter

you will get to the logins screen the default username and password is admin and blank.

Click on the system option on the left side of the screen

Click on the sytem firmware update click on check update online if there will be any update you will get a prompt click on yes and it will do the update.


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Best Answer
Sep 12, 2019
  1. First, you need to open the Login page of the router.
  2. Then click on the control panel.
  3. On the left side click on System Option.
  4. Now you will find the Firmware update option in the Update and restore and upgrade the firmware
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Best Answer
joey miller
Sep 01, 2019

Steps you need to follow:

  • First, you need to open the GUI of the Synology router.
  • After login click on the control panel.
  • On the left side click on System Option.
  • Now you will find the Firmware update option in the Update and restore.
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Best Answer
Sep 01, 2019

Go to the login page of the router. For that go  to browser and type there Enter your credentials. It will open dashboard and there if you see the latest firmware option download it from there.

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Best Answer
Eric Williams
Sep 01, 2019
  • Connect your computer with the Router's wifi network
  • open your browser and type this address:- or
  • once you are logged in, then enter your login information(default username is admin and for password leave blank)
  • once you are logged in, then click on the Control panel
  • then click on the System option from the left-hand side
  • Now under update and restore, you can upgrade the firmware of your router
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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Sep 01, 2019
  • In order to Upgrade the firmware of the router first you need to login your router
  • Over there if there is any firmware update is available you can do it from there
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Best Answer
Moses Dave
Sep 01, 2019

to upgrade the firmware of the router, you need to login into the router dashboard over there if the firmware update is available you can do it from there

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Written by Wade Mathews
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