Jerry M Cardwell
How to setup Orbi RBR50 router as a Access Point manually with the centurylink?
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- Turn On your Orbi Router
- connect your computer with the Orbi router’s network (either through cable or through wifi)
- Now open your browser and type this address:- or http://orbilogin.net
- If this is your brand new router then it will take you to set up page, so you need to click on manual settings and login into the router settings(otherwise you can enter your login information in order to go to the router’s page)
- once you are logged in, then click on Advanced option and then under the Advanced Option, go to the Internet Setup
- Now under the Internet Setup, click on the LAN Setup. You have to change the LAN IP From Default to Something Different. (For Example:- If your Main Router’s(CenturyLink) Default Gateway is:-, then You Can Enter LAN IP as has to be unique))
- Then you need to Disable the DHCP Server and then click on Apply.
- And you can also make changes in the wifi settings under the Wireless Option.
- Now Connect an Ethernet Cable Between Your CenturyLink Router and the Orbi Router( and make sure that cable has to be connected in the LAN port of the Orbi Router, not in the WAN port)
- After that Restart Both the Routers
- Now your Orbi Router is configured as an Access Point.