How to connect the Honeywell THM6000R With the internet ?

Aug 30, 2019 10:19 PM 3 Answers General
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How to connect the Honeywell THM6000R With the internet ?

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3 Answers
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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Oct 11, 2019

To connect the Honeywell THM6000R With the internet , first plug in the router to the power. Now connect the computer with the router using ethernet cable.And it's connected.

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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Sep 29, 2019

In order to connect the Honeywell THM6000R With the internet you need to connect the ethernet cable on the backside of the Honeywell from the router.

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Best Answer
joey miller
Aug 31, 2019

For connecting the Honeywell THM6000R with the internet you need to connect the ethernet cable on the backside of the Honeywell from the router.

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Written by TerryRemaly
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