How to connect the Tesla Model X with Extender Network ?

Ken Pisor
Aug 21, 2019 07:31 PM 3 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2019
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How to connect the Tesla Model X with Extender Network ?

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Best Answer
Aug 27, 2019

First go to your Tesla and on the right side of your Tesla Model X screen you will see a wifi icon just click on that icon. It will show you the list of available WiFi networks. Just click on the option of your extender name on the WiFi list and put the password . It will easily connect your Tesla with the extender WiFi network.

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Aug 22, 2019

To connect the Tesla Model X with Extender Network,first you need to to tap on the icon Tesla Model X screen which is on the top right side and then click on the wifi icon there.You will see the list of available wifi networks around you,select the extender name out of the list and type in the password.Now your Tesla is connected with the extender's wifi network.

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Best Answer
joey miller
Aug 21, 2019

Steps you need to follow to connect the Tesla Model X to extender’s wifi:-

  • On the top right side of your Tesla Model X screen, there is a wifi icon, tap on the icon.
  • Then it will show you the list of WiFi networks.
  • Choose your extender name on the WiFi list and put the password.
  • Now your Tesla is connected with the extender WiFi network.
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Written by Ken Pisor
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