I configured my cameras with the wrong email address which does’nt exist and i need to change that. can you help me?

Charles W. Scott
Aug 21, 2019 07:31 PM 6 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2019
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I configured my cameras with the wrong email address which does'nt exist and i need to change that. can you help me?

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6 Answers
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Ron Tech
Sep 12, 2019

In such case you need to reset the base station for pressing the reset pin hole for 30 second and then you can follow the initial setup instructions again to do the setup

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Best Answer
Aug 30, 2019

you need to rest your base station and get it sync again and create the new account with new email address

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Best Answer
Aug 27, 2019

Just reset the base station by pressing the reset pinhole for 30 seconds and then you can follow the initial setup instructions again to do the setup.

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Best Answer
Aug 25, 2019

In this Case . You have to reset the base station by pressing the pin whole reset button for 30 seconds  and then you can follow the Initial setup for configuration again .

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Best Answer
Mark Stevens
Aug 22, 2019

If you want to change the e-mail address , you have to reset the base station by pressing the reset pinhole for 30 seconds and then you can follow the initial setup instructions again to do the setup

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Best Answer
Austin Harris
Aug 21, 2019

In this situation, you have to reset the base station by pressing the reset pinhole for 30 seconds and then you can follow the initial setup instructions again to do the setup.

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