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  • To setup your netgear router you need to follow these steps:-
    You need to plug in a cable from your existing modem to internet port of your router.
    after connecting this cable connect a cable from port no-4 of your router to your computer. then follow these steps:
    1. Press windows + R key that will open run window for you.
    2. Type CMD in the run box.
    3. Open Ipconfig and check network statistics.
    4. Open your default gateway in any browser.
    5. Type your user name and password .
    6. that will open a setup wizard for you so follow the steps and you are good to go.
    if problem still persists you can reset your router and follow the same steps.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

  • To configure your router for cable internet connection with smart setup wizard:

    :-Connect your modem to the internet port (Yellow port)of the Netgear router and your computer to any of the four lan ports.
    :-Switch the computer , router and modem off and on again.
    :-Open a web browser and type the router’s IP address which would be either or in the address bar and press Enter.

    -You are prompted to login to your router.
    -The default username is admin and the default password is password.
    :-Click set-up wizard
    :-Select yes and click next.
    :-Router will save the settings.

    If you still facing any technical hessel just feel free to dial 1-800-603-4024 and get it fixed from expertise..

Written by Nancy Hoyt
Router Categories


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