Where will i find the WiFi passsword of my D-Link Router?

Steven Sandell
Jul 06, 2019 06:48 PM 4 Answers General
Member Since Jul 2019
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Where will i find the WiFi passsword of my D-Link Router?

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Eric Williams
Jul 18, 2019

You will find the wifi password at the backside of the router itself.


if you are not able to find the wifi password at the backside of your router then in that case, you can connect an Ethernet cable between your router and the computer

and then open your browser on the computer and type this address:-

it will take you to the login page of the router, there you need to enter the login information(and by default, there is no password for the dlink router)

once you are logged in, then go to the Wireless tab, then click on the Manual wireless setup and after that, you will find your wifi password.

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Best Answer
Jul 13, 2019

the default username and password is at the back of the device.

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Best Answer
Ron Tech
Jul 13, 2019

The wifi password of d-link router is on the back of router .

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Best Answer
Jul 13, 2019

you will find the default password and username of the dlink on the back of the device on white chip

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Written by Steven Sandell
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