PUBG zombie mode: Everything you need to know

PUBG zombie mode

PUBG mobile is the most preferred game of millions of players in the world. It is balancing the level between being a favorite game of players and a controversial topic in India. And it is hard to decide which side the scales are weighing heavily. Despite this, any information about an upcoming update to this game increases the interest among its users. One such update came out a few days ago which will add the much-awaited zombie mode PUBG.

So what’s the zombie mode in PUBG brought? Here is everything you need to know about PUBG zombie mode.

What is the Zombie mode in PUBG?

PUBG mobile already has two modes that are Classic and Arcade. Now PUBG mobile update will bring the new event mode involving zombies. As the name suggests, Zombie PUBG will allow you to kill zombies in a different gameplay mode.

How will Zombie mode PUBG be different from existing modes?

When compared to the existing mode of the game, zombie mode PUBG is going to be quite unique as you cannot use any customary weaponry. In zombie PUBG mode, the zombies are not allowed to use any kind of weapons. They have quality in numbers and will solely depend upon their large volume to dominate their enemies. You can gain high scores as the zombie mode will let you fight along with a few other players to kill several zombies. In Zombie PUBG mode, you will not be able to play duo or solo matches. This event mode can be played in a team of 4.

Will zombies get a new map?

In order to keep the gameplay fast-paced, this mode could be restricted to a smaller version of the Erangel map. PUBG will need to deploy more servers to release them on a bigger scale.

Other Changes Include:

  • Addition of moonlight to the Vikendi map is other improvement in the PUBG Mobile 0.11.0 update.
  • Addition of Push-to-talk chats in matches.
  • Air raid adjustment is another feature added to the Sanhok and Vikendi maps.
  • Addition of personal spaces.
  • Menu theme and music added to the platform of Resident Evil 2.
  • Players will suffer damage depending on how far they are from the safe zone.

Tencent has not come with an exact release date. As per rumors and other evidences from the PUBG mobile indicate that the next major update will bring zombies. So this was all about the Zombie mode PUBG. For more updates about PUBG Mobile and its zombie mode watch this section closely and keep yourself updated. Do not forget to mention your comments in the given comment section.

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