Know more about the Computer Mouse that is also a fully functional Computer

Fully functional Computer Mouse

Have you ever thought of a mouse that works as a real computer? A YouTube user who goes by the name Electronic Grenade has designed a computer mouse that also functions as a laptop. This device not only can control a computer but is a fully functional computer, complete with a built-in screen and a keyboard. A PC mouse is one of the smartest accessories ever invented that essentially carried in a new wave of electronic interaction.

A computer-mouse is a custom-designed 3D-printed mouse that consists of:

  1. A Raspberry Pi Zero W (microcontroller)
  2. A single-core 1GHz CPU at its core coupled with 512 MB RAM
  3. A small slide-out keyboard
  4. The connectivity options such as Bluetooth and Wireless LAN
  5. A 1.5-inch OLED display

As per Electronic Grenade details, the PC mouse houses a Raspberry Pi microcontroller along with the sensors borrowed from a normal computer mouse. But what makes it truly impressive is a Bluetooth keyboard that turns it from the “Raspberry Pi case” into an actual “fully functional computer.” The entire body of this mouse is quite big as compared to a regular mouse. It has space and sockets for fitting in the keyboard, buttons and other parts. Also, there is a power button at the edge of the body that is used to power on the tiny computing machine.

The keyboard of this mouse is a slide-out tray at the base of the device and it is wireless. Even though the keys on the keyboard are small and crammed together, and you have to keep your hands in a very uncomfortable position. But the typing experience on the tiny keyboard is not as bad as it seems. Although the screen is attached to the mouse, the sensitivity of the mouse makes it not that hard to follow along with what is happening on the screen.

Since it houses a Raspberry Pi Zero W, it should be able to run whatever you would normally use the mini PC for. The wireless mouse computer is not a very particle device, but still, you would be able to punch out a text file via slide-out keyboard or play Minecraft. The product is a little bulkier than a traditional mouse, but taken as a whole it’s still a pretty impressive practice made by its creator.

However, if you are interested in the device, you can build it yourself. The creator of the Computer Mouse has promised to upload a video sometime soon that will detail the process. For now, we should admire their existing computer-mouse. For more updates about the same, watch this section closely and keep yourself updated.

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