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  • Routers seem to be sensitive to electrical spikes and noise.
    This can cause them to loose their settings.
    You should keep your router plugged into a high quality surge protector.
    To try to correct the problem, and to see if your router is dead or not, you will need to reset it to factory defaults, then setup the router again from scratch.
    Your technical support shall be able to assist you to do so else you can contact us on the 1800-810-8012 number as well.

  • Thanks for sharing your query with us ,Yes frequent power outage might create problems to router and its settings.
    For any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.

  • Yes a high power outage can create a problem to the settings of the router. To avoid that plug in your router into a power surge.

  • Yes, power outage creates issues with your router resulting the router to default settings or firmware damage of your router.

  • Yes, it causes your router to stop working or sometimes reset your router. Surge protector can be useful in such cases.

Written by kenneth golner
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