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  • You need to login into your router first –
    1.You need to be connected from your router wireless or Hard wire .
    2.Open your browser on the connected device and type http://linksyssmartwifi.com or .
    3.Look for parental control .Or you can find it in access restriction.
    4.Enable the parental control and select the device which you need to control .
    5.You can choose different option for particular device like .e.g Full internet restriction /Scheduling internet access/Blocking specific websites for specific time.
    6.Choose the setting and simply check those setting you need to do and save the settings or hit apply .
    7.Power cycle the router once .


  • :-Launch web browser using ip
    :-Log into your router page
    :-Go to parental control
    :-Enable the parentel control
    If you still facing trouble to enable parental control call us at 1-800-603-4024


  • To setup parental controls of Linksys ea350 you need to follow these steps:-
    first you need to make sure that your device should be connected to the above mentioned router.then follow these steps:-
    1. Press windows + R key that will open run window for you.
    2. Type CMD in the run box.
    3. Open Ipconfig and check network statistics.
    4. Open your default gateway in any browser.
    5. Type your user name and password .
    6. now you are on router main page with all settings options.
    7. now Go to Advanced->Parental Control and enable Parental Controls. Then please set you
    parental PC, you can set Mac address of parental PC manually, or you can Click Copy To Above,
    set the computer you used as parental PC. Click Save.
    8. Click reboot Icon to make the parental control function take effect. Reboot Icon at upper right
    hand side of the page.
    you are good to go now for any help feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024.


  • Follow the 3 simple steps given below to enable parental controls.
    1. Open the Linksys Connect Software and Click on Parental Controls.
    2. Enter a password for parental controls and verify the same. Also, set a security question in the given fields.
    3. Click ok and then select the device for which you want to enable the parental control and again click on OK.


Written by julie waldo
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