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  • To setup your netgear n300 as an access point you need to follow these steps:

    1. plug in your extender in a wall socket.
    2. connect a ethernet cable from you router to extender ethernet port.
    3.open your router main page and under device list check the ip assigned to your extender.
    4. open a browser and type the same ip address on the top address bar and hit enter.
    5. it will open a setup wizard for you follow the steps it will ask whether do you want to setup your extender as access point so please select that .
    6. follow the instructions and its good to go now
    for any problem feel free to call us back on 1-800-603-4024


  • Netgear Range extender N300 setup as access point –

    1.Plug your extender in direct wall socket .
    2.Go to wireless settings of your device.
    3.Look for extender’s name . (NETGEAR_EXT)
    4.Select and connect to that network .
    5.Open your browser and type http://mywifiext.net or / .
    6.Setup your account first.
    7.Choose Access point on the setup page.
    8.Setup name and password .
    9.Hit continue then Connect to your new extender network.
    10.Select Finish to complete the setup.


Written by rrod
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